مصطلحات انجليزية اسلامية 2024.

مصطلحات انجليزية



Final divorce/ irrevocable divorce
طلاق بائن
Revocable divorce
طلاق رجعي
Administration of the mufti
دار الافتاء

I attended the meeting in the mufti
حضرت الاجتماع بالزي الرسمي
مكة المكرمة

مقصد أو قبلة
The Grand Emam
الامام الأكبر
-Ministry of waqfs/ wakfs
-Ministry of religious endowments
-Inalienable estate
وزارة الأوقاف
Disavowal of paternity
انكار بنوة/ انكار نسب
Avowal of paternity
اعتراف بالبنوة
Official authorized to perform marriage ceremonies "ma’zoon"
المأذون الشرعي
Consummation of marriage
اتمام الزواج بالدخول على المرأة

Solemnization of marriage
كتب كتاب
Injustice/ inequality
Public morals
الآداب العامة



ارتداد سياسي
Proper ablution
إسباغ الوضوء
Committee of public morality
هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
انتحال شخصية الغير

ينتحل شخصية الغير

Orthodox Muslims
أهل السنة

صالح/ قويم/ راشد
Orthodox Califs/ Caliphs
الخلفاء الراشدين
صالح/ راشد/ قويم
أهل الكتاب
Harboring a criminal
إيواء مجرم
Screening an offender
التستر على مجرم
Acts of warships
Religious observances
عبادات (القيام بالعبادات الدينية)
Physical religious observances
العبادات البدنية
Husband’s house
بيت الطاعة
Bayt-Al-Mal (Treasury)
بيت المال
Piety/ devotion
Age of discretion
سن التمييز/ سن الرشد
Vexatious accusation
تهمة كيدية

To vex
Hadeeth/ Tradition
Poll tax
Land tax
Punishment stipulated in qur’an

Implement/ apply punishment stipulated in the qur’an
يقيم الحد
Small amount of what is forbidden in large quantities, are forbidden too
من كان كثيره حرام، فقليله حرام
الحرمان من الميراث
Meeting in privacy
Valid privacy with wife
الخلوة الصحيحة بالزوجة المعقود عليها
إلحاد ( من لا إله له)
Associating partners with God
الشرك بالله
Infidelity (unbelief)
التجديف "النطق بالكفر"- عدم توقير الذات الإلهيه
هوتقه/ زندقه "من تجرأ على الذات الإلهيه"
زواج مؤقت/ زواج المتعه
سفاح القربى/ زنى المحارم
Life- history of the prophet
السيرة النبوية
Dawn prayer (Fajr prayer)
صلاة الفجر
Noon prayer/ middle prayer
صلاة الظهر
Afternoon prayer
صلاة العصر
Sunset prayer
صلاة المغرب
Evening/ Night prayer
صلاة العشاء
Necessity knows no laws
الضرورات تبيح المحظورات
Prescribed retreat/ waiting period after divorce or death of a husband

Pre-noon prayer
صلاة الضحى
To observe prescribed retreat/ waiting period after divorce
اعتدت المرأة
Intimate parts
Private parts
Pudendum parts
Non- constitutional
غير دستوري (لا يتصل أصلا بالدستور)
Un constitutional
غير دستوري (عكس الدستور)
Religious duty
فرض/ فريضة دينية
Obscene act
فعل فاضح
Grave sin
كبيرة/ كبائر
Religious expiation
In a degree of consanguinity preventing marriage
Recalcitrant wife
Day of immolation
Immolation day
يوم النحر
محجور عليه
Charitable donation
Voluntary almsgiving
Almsgiving at the end of Ramadan
صدقة الفطر

بارك الله فيكككككككككككك
الله يعطيك الف عااااااافية ع الطرح المفيد
يعطيك الف عافية على الموضوع او المصظلحات
يعطيك الف الف عافية ع هدا الموضوع

Opposites 2024.

معرفة عدد كبير من العكوس باللغة الأنجليزية يساعد كثيرا في التحدث بها دون تلكؤ.
اليكم الكلمة وعكسها ومعنى الكلمة بالعربية
happy #sad فرحان
new#old جديد
high# low مرتفع / عالي
up# down أعلى
front#back مقدمة
right # left يمين
first #last أول
smooth or soft #hard ناعم
ugly # beautiful بشع
good #bad جيد
close #open يغلق
right #wrong صح

اذا كنت ممن حفظوا ماذكر انتقل معنا الى القسم الثاني في المرة القادمةيجب حفظهاوكتابتها بشكل صحيح . مع تمنياتي بالتوفيق .
هذه مجموعة جديدة وخاصة بالمبتدئين :

take off # land تقلع (الطائرة )
hot # cold ساخن
warm # cool دافئ
short # tall or long قصير
thick # thin ثخين
fat # thin بدين
same # different نفس الشىء
first # last الأول
begin # end يبدأ

thanks for this great effort
. Thanks for your answer . Wish to let beginners to make use of them
thanks a lot my dear friend

I hope to see your new subjects

lively english idioms 2024.

تعبيرات التغيير من سلسلة

blow away the cobwebs

المعنى الحرفى : يعصف بخيوط العنكبوت
و تعنى أن يتخلص الفرد من قيود حياته ليغير من ذاته و نمط حياته الرتيب
مثال :

"After sitting in the same chair for five hours, I wanted to go out for a walk to blow away the cobwebs."

like a breath of fresh air

المعنى الحرفى : يتنفس الهواء النقى
و يستخدم هذا التعبير للتعبير عن تغيير فى سلوك الفرد أو حينما يتبنى المرء أفكار جديدة

After working for the old boss for 20 years, the new boss seems
like a breath of fresh air."

out with the old, in with the new

المعنى الحرفى : يتخلص من قديمه لصالح الجديد

We have a new CEO who wants to make his mark on the company. Out with the old, in with the new."

new blood

المعنى الحرفى: دماء جديدة

In an effort to get new blood into our research department, we’re having a recruitment drive."

shake things up (a shake up)

المعنى الحرفى : يهز بعنف
و المقصود تبنى الفرد أفكار جديدة و أساليب قلبت حياته رأسا على عقب

"The government are having a shake up of their education policies."

give something a new lease of life

المعنى الحرفى : يعطيه عقد إيجار جديد
و المقصود يجدد من شئ ما و يصونه مما يطيل عمره

Those tablets have given our pet dog a new lease of life.

breathe new life into
المعنى الحرفى : يبث الروح الجديدة
و المقصود يجدد الطقم العامل فى شركة او يجدد محتوى شئ

"This sports club needs to increase its members to breathe new life into our finances."

get a fresh perspective
المعنى الحرفى : يكون له منظور جديد
و المقصود أن يتبنى وجهة نظر جديدة

"Let’s ask the sales department for their opinion. The can bring us a fresh perspective."

see things from a different angle
المعنى الحرفى : ينظر للموضوع من زاوية أخرى و هو المعنى المقصود

Let’s try to see this problem from a different angle.

start with a clean sheet

المعنى الحرفى و المقصود واحد : يبدأ صفحة جديدة

"He’s paid for his mistakes, and now he can start with a clean sheet."

make a fresh start / make a clean break

تامعنى الحرفى : يبدأ بداية منعشة
و المقصود : يبدأ الأمر برمته من جديد

"Let’s put the problems behind us and make a fresh start."
Some other expressions with change

a change of heart
المعنى الحرفى تغيير فى الصميم
و المقصود تغيير كلى فى فكر أو رأى الشخص

"I’ve had a change of heart. I think I’ll stay in my present job, after all."

سيدتي eng.kholoud
نشاطك رائع وقسمك سيتميز بتواجدك ونشاطك
مواضيعك رائعة كما تعودنا منك ….
لك مني الأحترام والتقدير

thanks a lot for this important information

The Egyptians 2024.

The Egyptians

The Egyptians Were Probably One Of The Most Sophisticated Ancient Civilizations In The History Of Time. They Were Best Known For Their Mummies And Pyramids But Have Many More Interesting Facts That Are Almost Never Spoken About. Some Of The Things That Will Be Mentioned In Our Site Include The Great Pharaohs That Ruled The Nile River, Why They Made Mummies, Who They Adopted Their Writing From, And Much More. (The Egyptians were probably one of the most sophisticated ancient civilizations in the history of time. They were best known for their mummies and pyramids but have many more interesting facts that are almost never spoken about. Some of the things that will be mentioned in our site include the great pharaohs that ruled the Nile river, why they made mummies, who they adopted their writing from, and much more.)


The top person in the Egyptian politics was the Pharaoh. Some famous Pharaohs include Tutankhamun(also known as King Tut), Ramses II, Cleopatra, Akhenaton, Hatshepsut, and Zoser who was probably the oldest known pharaoh. The pharaohs usually ruled Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, the Nile or both Upper and Lower Egypt. The pharaohs didn’t just sit around like you’d think a normal king would, but they were very sportive and participated in all religious festivals and most activities. The next most important people in Egypt were the viziers and the high priest. The high priest would help during the mummification process and would hold any religious festivals. The viziers took care of the main practical needs, which was a very important job. Then came the royal overseers that looked after a certain area in needs for example one would be an army commander and another the court leader. The royal overseers were very much like the viziers except they only looked after a little area and the viziers looked after a huge area. After the overseers came the district governors. There were forty-two if you counted all the governors. There was one for each district. Then came the less important, but still a little bit important, people like scribes, craftworkers, and farmers. The Egyptian form of government was, Monarchy.


The main education source in Ancient Egypt was scribal schools. At a scribal school, you would learn to read and write. In order to become official scribes, your father had to de a scribe, and his father had to be a scribe, and so on and so on. The scribes were quite important because they kept the records of everything that was going on and if it weren’t for them we would probably know much less about the Egyptians. Being a scribe is an extremely difficult job because in total there were over 100 different hieroglyphics to remember! The scribes used a kind of paper called papyrus which was made from reeds or as they called it "the papyrus plant". They used this paper when they were older and not in school but when they were in school, they were stuck with pieces of broken pottery. Each student left school at the age of only twelve, then they left for work. The Egyptians adopted their hieroglyphics from the Mesopotamians.


The modern Egyptians now speak Arabic and the Ancient Egyptians spoke something similar to that. The Ancient Egyptian ******** had much in common with the Egyptian hieroglyphics. In fact, some hieroglyphics represented not a word but a sound! Some examples of Egyptian ******** such as "nfr" which means good, and "dbt" which means brick are simple words of the Egyptian ********. You can tell by some names, such as Tutankhamun, that not all-Egyptian words are short. Some other kinds of schools included dance school, and jugglers’ school.


The Egyptians were famous for their gods and goddess’. The most important gods are, Ma’at, Amon Ra, Hathor, Osiris, Anubis, Hapy, Taweret, Horus, Bast, Bes, Isis, and Thoth. Ma’at was the goddess of truth, Amon Ra was the king of the gods, Hathor was the goddess of love, Osiris was the god of the dead, Anubis was the god of embalming, Hapy was the god of the Nile, Tawaret was the goddess of birth, Horus was the god of the sky, Bast was the goddess of cats, Bes was the protector of homes, Isis was the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus, and Thoth was the scribe of the gods. In order to enter a temple or religious building, you had to shave your head and eyebrows to keep the gods happy. One of the biggest temples in Egypt was the Great Temple of Ptah in Memphis.


Egyptian sports included swimming, duck hunting, and rowing races. But by far their favorite sport was hippopotamus hunting. It was a dangerous sport but favored by pharaohs and farmers. All Egyptian sports had some dangerous risks including tipping out of a boat to being bitten by an alligator. The most popular sports were hunting. They hunted hippos, ducks, fish, gazelles, and ostrich. The Egyptians were inspired by the Greek Olympics but never actually got to have their own.


The Egyptians were famous for their pastries. They made spiral pastries, ring shaped pastries, pyramid pastries, and even crocodile shaped pastries. The most popular beverage in Ancient Egypt was beer. Beer was made with stale barley bread mashed up in water for a couple of weeks until it became alcoholic and it was ready to drink. A normal meal consisted of onions, bread, and salted fish. The Egyptians did not use sugar, but in its place was honey. The Egyptian agricultural system consisted of barley, wheat, leeks, beans, lentils, onions, cabbages, radishes, lettuces, cucumbers, melons, dates, figs, and grapes. The Egyptians did not go get a drink from the Nile whenever they needed one. They had shadufs, which were water supply systems and you would fill it up with water and you would take the bucket back home with you which would contain a days supply of water.


Egyptians had many wars but the best known war of the Egyptians was their battle with the Nubians. The Nubians had many trades with Egyptians but eventually became their worst enemies. Now in modern days, Nubia is a part of southern Egypt. The weapons that were used in battle include daggers, clubs, and axes.


The Egyptians traded with many people. They traded pottery and papyrus for goods like olive oil, copper, silver, horses, lapis lazuli, turquoise, myrrh trees, frankincense, ivory, gold, amethyst, exotic furs, feathers, ebony wood, and spices. Their trading partners were, Crete, Nubia, central Africa, Cyprus, western Asia, Punt, the Sinai Desert, and from Syria.

Embalming (mummification)

The Egyptians embalmed so that when the Ka (or spirit) could recognize the body when it returned from the afterlife. Usually the body was preserved so well that they believe the Kas can still find their way back to the body today. Embalming was a very long process that took 70 days or more to do one body. The bandages were made out of linen and had hieroglyphics printed on them. Last year for a science project, we mummified apples with salt, Epsom salts, and baking soda. We found that the table salt worked best but this was nothing compared to the Egyptian process.


Mesopotamia – this area of the eastern Mediterranean was very much like Egypt. Though their architecture was somewhat different because they used mud-bricks and the Egyptians used solid stone.

Dance (school)- here, boys would learn to dance professionally rather than going to scribal school to learn to read and write.

Jugglers’ (school)- here boys would learn to juggle and perform professionally in a jugglers’ booth instead of learning to dance or read and write.The Nile- was what separated Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. The Egyptians believed that the Nile River gave them life.

KingTut- was probably the best known pharaoh of all Egypt. He was also the youngest as he died at the age of only 17. It is believed that he was either murdered or died of brain decease.Ramses II- was probably the most powerful pharaoh because he was the only one that had "the Great" at the end of his name. He had 156 children!

Zoser- was the earliest pharaoh known in Egyptian history.

Hieroglyphics- was the Ancient Egyptian form of writing.

Pyramids- were large monuments made of sandstone. They stopped making them because of robbery, and that was when they began constructing tombs.

Nubians- were probably the Egyptians best traders but also had a long and Great War.

Lentils- produce seeds which were eaten a lot in those days and we continue eating them today.

Embalming- was almost like mummifying except embalming was more artificial and mummification was a natural process.

Viziers- There was 2 viziers in an ancient Egyptian city. They were very much like the royal overseers because they looked after the kingdom government.

NiCe Subject
I LiKe it
It Tell us ManY ThinGs
And I LeaRneD Many ThiNgS NeW

ThanKs A loOot
We Are WaiTinG fOr YoUr New

thank you sir

i am very happy to learning many things new from my subject

each of the activities in Egypt’s political, economy and Sport and the religion ……. Etc

Thank you for the great effortIn the

conservation and care of God

thank you for your passing roraa

The Best in Translation 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

أهلاً بكم أعزائي بمسابقة The Best in Translation


– كل أسبوع سأضع مقطع بسيط للترجمة

– سأبدأ بوضع موضوع بالانجليزي والاسبوع الذي بعده سأضعه في العربي وهكذا بالتناوب

– لمن يرغب بالمشاركة ماعليه الا وضع ترجمته هنا بنفس الموضوع

– وطبعاً كل اسبوع سيكون لدينا فائز سيحصل على كأس الفوز وسيبقى معه لمدة اسبوع حتى يفوز شخص آخر بالأسبوع الذي يليه .

شروط المسابقة:

1- أن تكون الترجمة العربية في اللغة الفصحى

2- ترفض كل ترجمة منقولة من الغوغل او الوافي وغيرهم .. يعني حتى لو استعنت بهم حاول ان تجعل ترجمتك الافضل وتضع بصمتك الخاصة .

3- أن تكون الترجمة هنا في نفس الموضوع .

4- المسابقة للجميع واتمنى ان يشارك الكل .

احبائي لقد احببت ان اضيف شرط جديد لهذه المسابقة الا وهو:

الفائز يختار القطعة التي يريدها لنترجمها (تدللوا هههه)

سواء كانت بالعربي او الانجليزي .. طبعاً هذا لايعني انه ممنوع من ترجمتها

بل يستحب ان يشاركنا

ارجو ان تعجبكم المسابقة … واتمنى لكم الفوز


المسابقة ستبدأ منذ اليوم وستتوقف بنهاية يوم الخميس

وستعلن النتيجة يوم الجمعة بأذن الله تعالى

ثم نعاود الاسبوع القادم بمقطع جديد

واليكم المقطع المطروح للترجمة لهذا الاسبوع:

What can I do to try to hold onto a friendship

There are a few things you can do to try to keep a friend even though you and your friend
seem to be growing apart. You can try to talk to your friend about your feelings, letting
your friend know that he or she is still important to you even though your interests are
changing. You might try out something that your friend has become interested in, such as a sport or invite your old friend to share a new interest of yours. If there are one or two activities that you both still like to do, maybe you can plan to get together once in a while to enjoy them, even though you may spend more and more time apart

هيا ياشاطرين أروني ترجمتكم

ماذا أفعل للحفاظ على صداقة ما
هناك عدة أشياء يمكنك القيام بها للحفاظ على صديق لك حتى لو أن العلاقة بينكما بدت وكأنها تتلاشى.
يمكن المحاولة بالتحدث إلى صديقك والتعبير عن مشاعرك واعلامه بأنه أو أنها ذات أهمية بالنسبة لك حتى لو تبدلت الأهتمامات كالأهتمام برياضة مامثلا . وأيضا يمكنك أن تدعو صديقا قديما ليشاركك أهتماما جديدا لك, ولكن لو كان هناك نشاط أو أكثرمازال مشترك بينكما فمن الممكن أن تخطط للأجتماع به مرة كل فترة وايجاد متعة مشتركة بهما .
أشكرك عزيزتي Innocence أشكرك كل الشكر على المشاركة

انتظري النتيجة يوم الجمعة


في انتظار المزيد من المشاركات والترجمات

– ملاحظة : لكل من يرغب بالترجمة لاتعتمد على الترجمات السابقة
فليس المهم زيادة الردود المهم المحاولة الجادة بالترجمة


اشكرك اختي العزيزه

مسابقه وفكره رائعه تزيد من حجم المعلومات ومعرفة العضو التعامل مع الترجمه
احسنت الاختيار واسمح لي بالعوده لاحقاً للمشاركه في هذه الفكره المتميزه
وطاب مسائك

you’ll be always in my heart 2024.

"you’ll be always in my heart"
that was there I met a special friend..
who stole away my heart..
there is a place within my heart..
where memories of you lie..
a place I visit from time to time
a place that shall never die..


a place that no one knows about..
except far a very few..
a place that I have set aside..
especially for you..
I go to this place whenever I feel..
lonely when we’re apart
I go to this place whenever I need
you to touch my heart..


you shall always be in this place..
no one could fill your shoes..
no one else could take your place..
for I give my heart to you..
yes, I give you my heart sharing love each day from the very start..


for when I visit that special room
where my heart sometimes does stay
and find you there
I wonder where
you’ve been before today..


I thought of you today
and in my heart you’ll always stay..
and may you never love in vain..
and in my heart you will remain..


It’s sharing everyday affairs
with someone who understands and cares..
happiness can’t be define..
It’s a certain mood, a state of mind..
Cause you’ll always in my heart…

اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
so nice

thank you very much

can I ask you a question? is this poem written by you

thanks again

Thank you all for being beautiful
Thanks dear
Its very nise

تعلم الانجليزية مع هذه الكورسات الصوتية الرائعة 2024.

رووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو وووووووووعة
مشكوووووور والله يعطيك الف عافيه
مشكوووووور والله يعطيك الف عافيه

تحياتي الخالصه

الله يعطيك العافية

سونيت 95 2024.


William Shakespeare

How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame
Which, like a canker in the fragrant rose,
Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name!
O! in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose.
That tongue that tells the story of thy days,
Making lascivious comments on thy sport,
Cannot dispraise, but in a kind of praise;
Naming thy name blesses an ill report.
O! what a mansion have those vices got
Which for their habitation chose out thee,
Where beauty’s veil doth cover every blot
And all things turns to fair that eyes can see!
Take heed, dear heart, of this large privilege;
The hardest knife ill-used doth lose his edge

وقبل أن ينهش الحب الخالد مخالبه فيني كما فعل بالولد اللطيف هذه الترجمة للقصيدة

بأي قدر من الرقة والمحبة تقترف الأمور المشينة،
مثل الدودة التي تنهش برعم الوردة العطرة،
تلطخ جمال اسمك وهو ما زال برعما!
واهاً لك، في أي العناصر الرقيقة تخفي خطاياك!
هذا اللسان الذي يروي قصة أيامك،
مَعَلِّقاً باستهتار على ألاعيبك،
لا يستطيع أن يذمك، لكنه على سبيل المدح،
حين يشير إلى اسمك، يغفر الخبر السيء الذي يقال عنك.
يا له من مدار ذلك الذي اتخذته تلك الخطايا
حين اختارتك أن لتكون لها سكنا،
حيث يخفي نقاب الجمال جميع الوصمات
فتتحول كل الأشياء إلى الصورة الحبيبة التي تراها العيون!
انتبه، أيها القلب العزيز، لهذه الميزات الكبرى،
إن أكثر السكاكين صلابة يضيع حدها إذا أسيء استخدامها.
اخي الغالي عماد القاضي

اشكرك اربع مرات متتاليه

الاولى لنقلك للقصيده

الثاني لترجمة القصيده

الثالث لروعة الكلمات

الرابعه للتالق

وهذه مني فانت الابداع وتعلم يقينا ان ليس كل من يدخل هذا الصرح يعلم الانجليزيه

فليس العلم بالحروف كما هو العلم بالمقصد من ورائها

وانت واخي الولد اللطيف يعلمون جيدا بعلم اللغه ومفرادتها ان كانت عربيه او خلافها

وليس المرء قادرا ان يصل الى معنى الكلمه حتى يتعلم مغزى اللغه

الف الف شكر لك سيدي الفاظل

تلميذك الخالد

أخي العزيز الحب الخالد

الشكر لك ولمرورك الرائع علي الموضوع
وان شاء الله سأقوم بترجمة كل ما أكتبه بهذا القسم
لك أحترامي وتقديري

thanks a lot for this nice sonnet

I like this line

The hardest knife ill-used doth lose his edge

thank you again

Stories with Morals -Fourth story 2024.


In the past there lived a foolish man in a small kingdom called Taw. One day he wanted to buy himself a pair of new shoes. He measured his feet with a ruler first and wrote down his size. But he was in such a hurry to set out that he left it at home When he arrived at a shoe shop, he felt in the pocket only to find that it was not there. So he said apologetically, ‘I have left the measurement at home and don’t know the size. I’ll fetch it in one minute.’ With these words he hurried off as fast as his legs could carry him
He ran back home, found it and then to the shop again. But still it took him quite a while and the shop was already closed then. He had gone to all this trouble for nothing and did not get his shoes


If you want to buy shoes for yourself not for someone else, Then why don’t you try the shoes on by yourself? Think twice there’ll be always solutions for all cases

ترجمة القصة

الرجل الغبي والحذاء

في الماضي عاش رجل غبي في مملكة صغيرة تدعى <تاو> . يوماً ما أراد أن يشتري لنفسه زوجاً جديداً من الأحذية. فقاس قدمه بمسطرة ثم كتب مقاسه. لكنه كان في عجلة من أمره للخروج فنسيها في المنزل.

عندما وصل إلى محل الأحذية تحسس جيبه لكنه لم يجد الورقة. لذا قال معتذراً <لقد تركت القياس في المنزل ولا أعرف المقاس. سوف أبحث عنها في دقيقة واحدة> بهذه الكلمات أسرع الرجل بقدر ما تستطيع ساقيه أن تحمله.
عاد إلى المنزل ووجدها ثم عاد إلى المحل ثانيةً. لكنه مع ذلك أخذ وقتاً وكان المحل مقفل بالفعل حينها. لقد خاض كل هذه المتاعب لأجل لا شيء ولم يحصل على حذائه.

مغزى القصة

إذا أردت أن تشتري حذاءً لنفسك وليس لأحد آخر، لما لا تجرب الحذاء بنفسك؟ فكر جيداً يوجد دائماً حلول لجميع الحالات.


مشكووووووووورة خيتو
تسلم ايدك
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مغربية تلموت
مشكووووووووورة خيتو
تسلم ايدك

العفو حبيبتي..

ربي يسلمك..

منورة. .

الخضروات 2024.

head of cauliflower =القرنبيط – رأس القرنبيط

broccoli =ضرب من القرنبيط

cabbage =الكرنب – الملفوف

brussels sprouts = لكرنب المسوق – ضرب من الكرنب او الملفوف يتميز بالرؤوس الصغيرة النامية على ساقه

watercress = قرة العين – الحرف بضم الحاء : بقلة مائية

lettuce= الخس

escarole = نوع من الهندباء – بقل يؤكل-يوضع بالسلطة

spinach = السبانخ

(herbs) =عشب – اعشاب

celery= الكرفس

artichoke = الخرشوف

(ear of corn )=الذرة – رأس الذرة

a. cob = كوز الذرة – قولحة الذرة

(kidney beans) = الفاصولياء

(black beans) حبات الفول

(string beans) لوبياء

(lima beans) فاصولياء ليمية

(peas) بازلاء

a. pod = غلاف حبات البسلة

asparagus = الهليون

شكرا ويعطيك ربي الف عافية

المهندسة خلود
أشكرك علي لمجهود الرائع….وجهدك المميز
لك مني كل أحترام وتقدير

thank you for this important subject