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الرئيسية » special world mum

special world mum 2024.

She makes the world special just by being in ,
She makes my life much lighter by giving me advices,
I always need her , I always want to make her happy ,
and I want to make her dreams come true ,
and off course I will be so happy if she..,
( I’m sour that she was ready to Sacrifice with her life for me,
I love her , and I like that she is my Precious mother ,
and I like being her doghter ,
I will always make her so proud of me .

فقط للتنويه : كتبت هذه الكلمات قبل وفاة والدتي .. واردت ان اقول فقط انني افخر ولا ازال افخر بها وانني سابذل العمر كله من اجل ان احقق حلمها الجميل.. (حــلا) حلمها المثالي..
يا رب ساعدني..,

رحم الله والدتك وادخلها فسيح جناته


my dear sister, these words are so beautiful

and they are sweet as honey

Thanks a lot for sharing your nice writing with us

I hope to see your other amazing writings

thanx my sweety
ensha` allah
first.. I am so sorry about your grandmother

in fact this words is nicely mean

it is carry many words the good

thank you about this

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