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الرئيسية » Sikidim من تضنين نفسك؟

Sikidim من تضنين نفسك؟ 2024.

  • بواسطة

(Hepsi Senin Mi (Şıkıdım

Başkası olma, kendin ol
Böyle çok daha güzelsin
Ya gel bana sahici sahici
Ya da anca gidersin

Anasının kuzusu
Ciğerimin köşesi
Kız bu neyin cakası
Kız hepsi senin mi
Hepsi senin mi?

Oynama şıkıdım şıkıdım
Ah yanar döner, aacayipsin

Ne deli ne de divaneyim
Biliyorum sonunu
Sanma uğruna viraneyim
Beğenmedim oyununu

Oynama şıkıdım şıkıdım
Ah yanar döner, aacayipsin

Hadi kasıl, hadi kapris yap
Hadi ben çekerim razıyım
You are the best
You are the top
Hadi, emrine amadeyim

(Pourqui tu te prends? (Danse

Ne change pas, reste toi-même
Comme ça, tu es encore plus belle
Viens à moi avec sincérité
Mais tu ne fais que partir

L’agneau de sa maman
La chair de ma chair
Pourquoi cette frime?
Pour qui tu te prends?
Pour qui tu te prends?

Ne danse pas comme ça
Tu brûles et bouges de façon si étrange

Je suis complètement fou
Je sais comment ça va se terminer
Ne crois que je sois dingue de toi
Je n’approuve pas ton petit jeu

Ne danse pas comme ça
Tu brûles et bouges de façon si étrange

Vas-y, frime, vas-y, fais la capricieuse
Oh, je le supporte, je l’accepte
You are the best
You are the top
Oh, je suis sous tes ordres

Who Do You Think You Are?

Don’t be somebody else, be yourself
You’re much more beautiful like this
Come to me real as you are
Or don’t come at all

Mother’s pet
My one and only
Girl what’s the show for?
Girl who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?

Don’t dance, don’t shake your body
Oh you’re volatile, ah you’re something else

I’m not crazy, I’m not fool
I know how this ends
Don’t think I’m crazy over you
I don’t like your game

Don’t dance, don’t shake your body
Oh you’re volatile, ah you’re something else

Come on be on edge, be capricious
Come on I’ll live with it, I’m willing to
You are the best
You are the top
Come on, your wish is my command

كلمات في غاية الروعة
راقت لي
مشكووووووورة ع الطرح الراقي
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة *ابتسامة فتاة*
كلمات في غاية الروعة
راقت لي
مشكووووووورة ع الطرح الراقي

الاروع هو مرورك غاليتي

كلمات رائعة
مشكوورة غاليتي

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