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الرئيسية » When I say. . .I am a Muslim

When I say. . .I am a Muslim 2024.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I’m not shouting " down with Christians and Jews."
I am whispering "I seek peace,"
and Islam is the path that I choose.

When I say. . . I am a Muslim

I speak of this with pride.
And confess that sometimes I stumble,
and need Allah to be my guide.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I know this makes me strong.
And in those times when I am weak,
I pray to Allah for strength to carry on.

When I say. . . I am a Muslim

I’m not boasting of success.
I’m acknowledging that Allah has rescued me,
and I cannot ever repay the debt.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I’m not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are indeed visible,
but Allah forgives because his followers are worth it.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

it does not mean I will never feel pain.
I still have my share of heartaches,
which is why I invoke Allah’s name.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I do not wish to judge.
I have no such authority
My duty is to submit to Allah’s all-encompassing love

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I’m not shouting " down with Christians and Jews."
I am whispering "I seek peace,"
and Islam is the path that I choose.

عندما اقول انا مسلم
لست اهتف لتسقط مع المسيح واليهود
بل اهمس انا اسعى للسلام
والاسلام مساري الذي اخترت

When I say. . . I am a Muslim

I speak of this with pride.
And confess that sometimes I stumble,
and need Allah to be my guide.

عندما اقول انا مسلم
اتكلم عن هذا بفخر

واعترف ااني احيان ان تعثرت
بحاجه لله ليكون دليل لي

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I know this makes me strong.
And in those times when I am weak,
I pray to Allah for strength to carry on.

عندما اقول انا مسلم

اعرف ان هذا يجعلني قوي
وبالاوقات التي اكون بها ضعيفا
اصلي الى الله ليمدني بقوته

When I say. . . I am a Muslim

I’m not boasting of success.
I’m acknowledging that Allah has rescued me,
and I cannot ever repay the debt.

عندما اقول انا مسلم
لا مجامله للنجاح
واعترف بان الله منقذي
ولا استطيع سداد الدين بوقت مضى

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I’m not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are indeed visible,
but Allah forgives because his followers are worth it.

عندما اقول انا مسلم
لاادعي المثاليه
بي عيوب بالواقع واضحه
ولكن الله يغفر لمن تبعه

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

it does not mean I will never feel pain.
I still have my share of heartaches,
which is why I invoke Allah’s name.

عندما اقول انا مسلم
هذا لايعني لا اشعر بالالم
لدي نصيبي من اوجاع بالقلب
واستدعي اسم الله
يا رب

When I say. . .I am a Muslim

I do not wish to judge.
I have no such authority
My duty is to submit to Allah’s all-encompassing love

عندما اقول انا مسلم
لا اريد قاضي
ليس لديه هذه السلطه
واجبي محبه شامله لله

Dear Sari
Subject of a great and beautiful
Thank you very much

ساري الغالي
طرح جميل ورائع

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