Stories with Morals -Fourth story 2024.


In the past there lived a foolish man in a small kingdom called Taw. One day he wanted to buy himself a pair of new shoes. He measured his feet with a ruler first and wrote down his size. But he was in such a hurry to set out that he left it at home When he arrived at a shoe shop, he felt in the pocket only to find that it was not there. So he said apologetically, ‘I have left the measurement at home and don’t know the size. I’ll fetch it in one minute.’ With these words he hurried off as fast as his legs could carry him
He ran back home, found it and then to the shop again. But still it took him quite a while and the shop was already closed then. He had gone to all this trouble for nothing and did not get his shoes


If you want to buy shoes for yourself not for someone else, Then why don’t you try the shoes on by yourself? Think twice there’ll be always solutions for all cases

ترجمة القصة

الرجل الغبي والحذاء

في الماضي عاش رجل غبي في مملكة صغيرة تدعى <تاو> . يوماً ما أراد أن يشتري لنفسه زوجاً جديداً من الأحذية. فقاس قدمه بمسطرة ثم كتب مقاسه. لكنه كان في عجلة من أمره للخروج فنسيها في المنزل.

عندما وصل إلى محل الأحذية تحسس جيبه لكنه لم يجد الورقة. لذا قال معتذراً <لقد تركت القياس في المنزل ولا أعرف المقاس. سوف أبحث عنها في دقيقة واحدة> بهذه الكلمات أسرع الرجل بقدر ما تستطيع ساقيه أن تحمله.
عاد إلى المنزل ووجدها ثم عاد إلى المحل ثانيةً. لكنه مع ذلك أخذ وقتاً وكان المحل مقفل بالفعل حينها. لقد خاض كل هذه المتاعب لأجل لا شيء ولم يحصل على حذائه.

مغزى القصة

إذا أردت أن تشتري حذاءً لنفسك وليس لأحد آخر، لما لا تجرب الحذاء بنفسك؟ فكر جيداً يوجد دائماً حلول لجميع الحالات.


مشكووووووووورة خيتو
تسلم ايدك
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مغربية تلموت
مشكووووووووورة خيتو
تسلم ايدك

العفو حبيبتي..

ربي يسلمك..

منورة. .

Stories with Morals -Third story 2024.


A young Man had been caught in
a daring act of theft and had been condemned to be executed for it. He expressed his desire to see his Mother, and to speak with her before he was led to execution, and of course this was granted. When his Mother came to him he said: "I want to whisper to you," and when she brought her ear near him, he nearly bit it off. All the bystanders were horrified, and asked him what he could mean by such brutal and inhuman conduct. "It is to punish her," he said. "When I was young I began with stealing little things, and brought them home to Mother. Instead of rebuking and punishing me, she laughed and said: "It will not be noticed." It is because of her that I am here today


Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart therefrom

ترجمة القصة

اللص الصغير ووالدته

أُلقي القبض على شاب يقوم بعملية سرقة جريئة وحُكِمَ عليه بالإعدام، فعبَّر عن رغبته برؤية أمه والتكلم إليها قبل أن يساق للإعدام، فتم تلبية طلبه.
عندما جاءت أمه قال لها: "أريد أن اهمس لك بشيء" وعندما دنت بأذنها منه كان على وشك اقتلاعها.
ارتاع المتفرجون من تصرفه و سألوه عن سبب هذا السلوك الوحشي واللا إنساني، فأجاب: "عقاباً لها، لأنني عندما كنت صغيراً بدأت بسرقة أشياء صغيرة وكنت أحضرهم للمنزل وبدلاً من تأنيبي وعقابي كانت تضحك وتقول: "لن يلاحظ ذلك أحد". وبسببها أنا هنا اليوم.

مغزى القصة

دربوا الطفل على الطريق الذي يجب أن يمشي فيه وعندما سيكبر لن يغادر هذا الطريق.


تسلم ايدك

Short Stories 2024.

These stories are very helpful to be good in English

– 1 –
Love & Time

Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions : Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love

Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help

Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love said
"Richness, can you take me with you
Richness answered, "Sorry Love, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you

Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer
"I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered

Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, take me along with you"
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!", sadness said in a sullen voice

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way

Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder, "Who Helped me
"It was Time," Knowledge answered
"Time?" thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge smiled and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is

The Cock And The Jewel
cock was scratching the ground with his claws looking for a tasty morsel to eat. While doing so, he chanced to turn over a stone and find a shining gem under it

"A Cock-a doodle-do !" cried the cock and said, "It looks very fine and it may be valuable to some people. But I would rather have found a nice grain of corn

MORAL: Gems can’t pacify hunger

The Crow And The Pitcher

A thirsty crow once found a pitcher with a little water in it. But when he tired to drink the water, he could not. The pitcher was tall and his beak didn’t reach the water

The cleaver crow thought and hit upon a plan. He went on dropping pebbles into the pitcher. The water rose up to its neck and he quenched his thirst

The Hare And The Tortoise

Once a hare was roaming near a lake in a forest. Suddenly he saw a tortoise and mocked at him saying – "Hurry up, you slow coach! Don’t you find life very dull taking so long to cover a few yards? I could have run to the other side of the lake by now

The tortoise felt teased and dared the hare to a race. The race was to be through the wood to a fixed goal

The hare agreed laughingly. In a few minutes he was away and out of sight

"What a funny race it is!" he said to himself , "I am already half -way through. But it is too-too cold; why not have a nap in the warm sunshine

The tortoise walked steadily on and on. In a short time, he passed by the sleeping hare

The hare slept far longer then he had intended. When he woke up at last, he looked around in surprise and said to himself," Not even a sigh of the poor tortoise anywhere so far; I had better trot along and finish the race

The hare ran to the goal. He was amazed to see all the animals cheering the tortoise who had arrived just a minute earlier. how ashamed he felt indeed

MORAL : Slow and steady wins the race

The Fox Without Tail

A fox was once caught in a trap. It was only after a tough struggle that she could get free. But, to her sorrow, her beautiful tail had been cut off and left in the trap

"How ugly I shall look!" moaned the fox, " won’t the other foxes laugh at me

Thinking hard, the fox hit upon a plan to save herself from being laughed at. She called a meeting of his friends and said, "Brothers! have you ever wondered why after all, we carry these long tails?" Let us cut them off and be free from their nuisance

But the other foxes had noticed her cut-off tail. They laughed aloud and replied, "You used to say that tails looked very fine when your own was all right. Now that you have lost yours, you want us to lose ours too

MORAL : Dirty tricks seldom work

Stories with Morals -Second story 2024.


One wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow. When he came closer he saw it was a Serpent to all appearance dead. But he took it up and put it in his bosom to warm while he hurried home. As soon as he got indoors he put the Serpent down on the hearth before the fire. The children watched it and saw it slowly come to life again. Then one of them stooped down to stroke it, but the Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death. So the Woodman seized his axe, and with one stroke cut the Serpent in two


No gratitude from the wicked

ترجمة القصة

الحطاب والأفعى

ذات يوم شتوي بينما كان الحطاب يتسكع عائداً من عمله إلى بيته رأى شيئاً أسود يستلقي على الثلج، وعندما اقترب وجد أنها كانت أفعى تبدو كالميتة للناظرين. أخذها ووضعها في صدره لتدفئتها وركض نحو البيت. ما إن وصل حتى وضعها على الموقد أمام النار. راقبها الأولاد وهي تعود للحياة شيئاً فشيء، ثم انحنى أحدهم عليها يداعبها بيده لكن الأفعى رفعت رأسها وأخرجت مخالبها وكانت على وشك أن تلدغ الولد لدغة قاتلة عندما أمسك الحطاب بفأسه وبضربة واحدة قطعها إلى قسمين.

مغزى القصة

لا عرفان بالجميل من اللئيم


tnx for this nice storry
>>قاشلة في الانجليزي ههههههه
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عذبـ الروح ـة
tnx for this nice storry
>>قاشلة في الانجليزي ههههههه


Dont say this my love

you are exellent in english

yes i m very exellent i know that

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عذبـ الروح ـة
yes i m very exellent i know that


You are so sweet

yes, that right

Be confident


Stories with Morals -Fifth story 2024.


There was a boy who was always losing his temper. His father gave him a bag full of nails and said to him, “My son, I want you to hammer a nail into our garden fence every time you need to direct your anger against something and you lose your temper.” So the son started to follow his father’s advice. On the first day he hammered in 37 nails, but getting the nails into the fence was not easy, so he started trying to control himself when he got. As the days went by, he was hammering in less nails, and within weeks he was able to control himself and was able to refrain from getting and from hammering nails. He came to his father and told him what he had achieved. His father was with his efforts and said to him: “But now, my son, you have to take out a nail for every day that you do not get.” The son started to take out the nails for each day that he did not get , until there were no nails left in the fence. He came to his father and told him what he had achieved. His father took him to the fence and said, “My son, you have done well, but look at these holes in the fence. This fence will never be the same again


When you say things in a state of anger, they leave marks like these holes on the hearts of others. You can stab a person and withdraw the knife but it doesn’t matter how many times you say ‘I’m sorry,’ because the wound will remain

ترجمة القصة

الصبي والمسامير

كان هناك ولد عصبي وكان يفقد صوابه بشكل مستمر فأحضر له والده كيساً مملوءاً بالمسامير وقال له: يا بني أريدك أن تدق مسماراً في سياج حديقتنا الخشبي كلما اجتاحتك موجة غضب وفقدت أعصابك.
وهكذا بدأ الولد بتنفيذ نصيحة والده، فدقّ في اليوم الأول 37 مسماراً، ولكن إدخال المسمار في السياج لم يكن سهلاً. فبدأ يحاول تمالك نفسه عند الغضب، وبعدها وبعد مرور أيام كان يدقّ مسامير أقل، وفي أسابيع تمكن من ضبط نفسه، وتوقف عن الغضب وعن دقّ المسامير، فجاء والده وأخبره بإنجازه ففرح الأب بهذا التحول، وقال له: ولكن عليك الآن يا بني استخراج مسمار لكل يوم يمر عليك لم تغضب فيه.
وبدأ الولد من جديد بخلع المسامير في اليوم الذي لا يغضب فيه حتى انتهى من خلع المسامير التي في السياج.
فجاء إلى والده وأخبره بإنجازه مرة أخرى، فأخذه والده إلى السياج وقال له: يا بني أحسنت صنعاً، ولكن انظر الآن إلى تلك الثقوب في السياج، هذا السياج لن يكون
كما كان أبداً.

مغزى القصة

عندما تقول أشياء في حالة الغضب فإنها تترك آثاراً مثل هذه الثقوب في نفوس الآخرين.

تستطيع أن تطعن الإنسان وتُخرج السكين ولكن لا يهم كم مرة تقول: أنا آسف لأن الجرح سيظل هناك


كعادتك ابداع * ابداع
مشكووووووووورة خيتو
تسلم ايدك

Stories with Morals -Sixth story 2024.


While Dad was polishing his new car, His four years old son picked stone & scratched lines on the side of the car. In his anger, Dad took the child’s hand & hit it many times, not Realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, his child said ‘Dad when will my fingers grow back?’ Dad was so hurt. He went back to car and kicked it a lot of times. Sitting back he looked at the scratches, child wrote: I Love you Dad


Anger and Love has no limits

ترجمة القصة

الأب وابنه الصغير

بينما كان الأب يقوم بتلميع سيارته الجديدة إذا بالابن ذو الأربع سنوات يلتقط حجراً ويقوم بعمل خدوش على جانب السيارة وفي قمة غضبه، إذا بالأب يأخذ بيد ابنه ويضربه عليها عدة مرات بدون أن يشعر أنه كان يستخدم ‘مفتاح انجليزي’ مفك يستخدمه عادة السباكين في فك وربط المواسير، في المستشفى، كان الابن يسأل الأب متى سوف تنمو أصابعي؟ وكان الأب في غاية الألم.
عاد الأب إلى السيارة وبدأ يركلها عدة مرات وعند جلوسه على الأرض، نظر إلى الخدوش التي أحدثها الابن فوجده قد كتب: أنا أحبك يا أبي.

مغزى القصة

الحب والغضب ليس لهما حدود


فعلا روعه
مشكوورة غاليتي
الله لا يحرمنا جديدك
سبحان الله وبحمده
سبحان الله العظيم
Ohhhhhhhhhhh ,
what a pity !!
i’m so sorry to read such a story
i hope it will not happened in our world
the moral lesson for this story is really strong
love and anger are endless ..